Jackie JircitanoProfile Photo

Jackie Jircitano

Principal & Owner, Alessi Communication & Design

Jackie is the leading education research communication specialist. With a passion for relationships and the human experience, Jackie thrives on her many successful long-term partnerships with researchers and Ivy League institutions. She is consistently inspired by what makes us human, our collective history, and how we grow and learn together.

With two degrees, an MBA and BA in Anthropology, plus her singular design and communication skills, Jackie blends systems thinking, creative design, and innate human appeal to create excellent communication strategies and deliverables for education researchers and education research organizations.

Aug. 29, 2023

Episode 226: The Power of Strategic Communication

In this episode, education experts Rita Ferrandino and Jackie Jircitano discuss the importance of strategic communications for district leaders in today's polarized world. They share insights on building supportive coalitions...

Episode page