Aug. 20, 2021

Augmented Reality: JigSpace in Education

Augmented Reality: JigSpace in Education

If you are an educator who is looking for a new way to engage students in your classroom, then you should consider checking out what JigSpace offers. Whether you are teaching science or art classes, there is something for everyone on the website! Students of all ages will find ways to learn more about their favorite topics and create unique projects that they can share with others. Educators who have never used 3D modeling before will have no problem learning from some of the many tutorials available on the site. The best part? All of these lessons and videos are interactive so students can see exactly what they need to do!

How Can JigSpace Enhance Student Learning?

Augmented Reality is the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real-time. Augmented reality can be used by educators in many different ways. One way that educators can use augmented reality to engage their students and enhance learning is by creating augmented reality lessons and sharing them with other educators. JigSpace offers many lessons that the educator has created themselves or downloaded from other sources as well as those that have been shared with an educator for educational purposes. These lessons provide a different level of engagement because students are able to see exactly what they need to do on their device, on a virtual screen, or in their classroom right in front of them!

JigSpace Creates Memorable Learning Experiences

JigSpace can help create memorable learning experiences! Students of all ages love to get their hands on new tools and learn about something they are interested in. With JigSpace, students are able to explore the 3D world right in front of them with augmented reality. There are many lessons that students are able to download or create themselves that allow them to see what they need to do in order to be successful. All of these lessons are interactive, giving students the opportunity to engage with their favorite topic in a new way. Teachers who use JigSpace will find that it is a unique way of engaging with their students and delivering content so that it is interesting for all learners.

JigSpace is Easy to Use

JigSpace is a place for educators of all levels to find something that they are interested in. If you are new to 3D modeling, then JigSpace offers many lessons and tutorials that will walk you through the process. Teachers of different ages and backgrounds can find what they need on this website. JigSpace also makes it easy for teachers of all levels to create amazing lessons that their students will love. Students can also enjoy the creation process by using JigSpace to share their projects with others and by making 3D content for themselves. They can create and share lessons with their classmates and model their learning process in a new way.

JigSpace for Education is Here

JigSpace is a place for all educators-from those who are new to 3D modeling, animation, and design to seasoned professionals. The site has lessons created by the educator themselves or downloaded from other sources as well as lessons shared with an educator for educational purposes. These AR experiences provide a different level of engagement because students can see exactly what they need to do on their device, virtual screen, or in their classroom right in front of them. JigSpace offers many opportunities for teachers to create memorable learning experiences that engage learners of all ages with interactive content like tutorials and videos. Teachers will also find it easy here at JigSpace to make amazing lessons that their students love!

Alfonso Mendoza Jr., M.Ed. is an Instructional Technologist, Instructional Designer, Doctoral Student, Podcaster, and Google Innovator that is passionate about education.

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